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As a restoration business coach for over a decade, I am constantly confronted with a question that I find difficult to answer. If I answer it directly, it will appear that I am simply pitching myself for business. If I hesitate, it can come across as insulting or placating.
The question is: “Do I need a restoration consultant?” You can see how this could be a trick question for me to answer. If I jump and say, “Of course; you need one right now,” it can look like I am soliciting a new client. If I say, “I don’t think you are ready right now,” it looks like I am blowing him off. Neither one puts me in a good light, so most times I defer to a fallback line like, “It depends on you and your company.” This way, at least I’m able to open up a conversation that can give some depth to the owner’s question and purpose for asking it.
The truth is, my fallback answer IS the real answer to this question. When someone asks, “Do I need a restoration consultant?”, they are asking a question that requires a lot of information and understanding on the part of both the restorer and the consultant. A good fit for both can only come after some real insight and analysis of the situation.
My process to answer this question starts with a discussion with the owner. I am looking to get info from him about his company, his current financial condition, and his problems. I also want to hear about his goals, vision for the future, and his ultimate fantasy – retirement, expansion, selling, etc. Once I have this conversation, I can have a better understanding of where he is and whether he will need a consultant to achieve his goals or solve his problems.
Believe it or not, I do not recommend a consultant every time. As hard as that might be to believe, I truly think that there are times when an owner can handle things by himself. If he is content with where he’s at with his company and is only looking for help with a small issue, many times the use of a consultant could be overkill. Small problems most times require simple solutions.
When a consultant is needed, it still doesn’t mean that I will be the first – or right – choice for the owner. You see, consultants all have specialties. Mine is administration and finance. I came into this industry after a 25-year career on Wall Street, and I brought a wealth of knowledge about finance and business operations to the restoration field. I am NOT the guy you want if you need help with technicians. There are other guys to help with that.
If you are asking whether you need a restoration consultant, ask these five questions to get your answer:
- Am I having trouble managing my day-to-day operations effectively?
- Am I losing market share to my competition?
- Do I have plans to grow in the next three years?
- Do I have difficulty keeping track of my company’s financial situation?
- Do I need someone to look at my company with a fresh set of eyes?
If you answer “yes” to any one of these questions, then in my opinion you can use a restoration consultant. Which consultant you need will depend on which question (or questions) you answered “yes” to. Generic business coaches can help with a lot of different things, but for specific issues or problems you will be better off finding an expert in that field.
If you are asking yourself the question, “Do I need a restoration consultant?”, chances are you do. Your reason for asking in the first place lies in your uncertainty of your path or your lack of confidence that you are doing the right thing. This is not a sign of weakness; in fact, it is a true show of strength to ask for help. Your decision should be based on what is best for you and your company.
Hiring a coach or consultant can be the difference between continued suffering and long-term success. Choose wisely.
More Questions? Call Bill today! 908-553-6295
By: Bill Giannone, Co-Founder The CREST Network, LLC.
Nationally recognized coach, consultant, and trainer
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