Company Brochures Can Be A Crutch

In this day and age when electronic messaging and other communication is readily used, it seems peculiar that we’d still be printing and distributing company brochures.

Even more peculiar is the fact that for the past 5-7 years or more our clients only care about themselves! It’s a fact that almost all businesses and their people really only care about themselves. They can Google anything about your company – and guaranteed – they do. It’s often said that your prospect knows more about you and your company that you do!

Don’t Be A Braggart

Here are the simple facts about your promo literature: they are all about you, all about your services, all about your skills, training, certifications, number of trucks, quantity of equipment, ad nauseam. For most business owners, managers, and marketing reps; a glossy, four color, full bleed (printed to the edge), folder or pamphlet about your company only serves to stroke your ego. And for the few of you that don’t do it for your ego, you create and print these marketing materials because you think that’s what you are supposed to do! Both reasons are wrong.

Your Business Card

We usually carry with us and handout our business cards. That’s OK to quickly share your contact info. Just be careful that you don’t fall into the trap of being arrogant and assuming they WANT your business card or contact info. What’s really sad is we often collect their business card also, but then we never put the info to effective use. It should be added to our database – for sending text messages and email newsletters.

Even worse than collecting cards at the common networking meetings, is your choice to count how many you collected and then that determines your success at the meeting. You probably immediately thought about meetings like Chamber events, business networking luncheons, or other get-togethers primarily intended for you to leave the meeting with a handful of business cards. The more cards you walk away with, the more success you think you had! Follow up and follow through!

They Don’t Care!

You are excited if you got to spend time telling people about your company, services, skills, or expertise. You thought they were impressed, but they kept looking for a way to walk away from you.

We know you believe you are great – but they really don’t care. Just like your company brochures, these meetings are all about you and rarely bring anything to the prospect that is truly important to them. Should I say it again? It is not about you. It’s about what they need and want and care about!

Listen and Ask

If we spent less time “telling people what we do,” and listened to them and asked questions of them, they would dominate the conversation and walk away ultimately thinking that you are a great conversationalist – and you care!

Some of the most successful people never talk about themselves – but ask about the other person – listening to their answers and commenting about their answers.

Regardless, literature, brochures, flyers, business cards; are always about you. You must make the topic and conversation ABOUT THEM. When you do that on a prospect visit or call, you’ll gain a lot more credibility and ultimately a much warmer relationship.

By Dick Wagner, Co-Founder The CREST Network, LLC

Nationally recognized coach, consultant, and trainer.

Creator of the renowned PREP™ pre-disaster program.

Owner of blog

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