It’s puzzling to me that roofing companies don’t take the proper time, nor do they teach most “salesmen” the correct way to approach a prospect. We are constantly coaching salespeople on proper etiquette and professionalism. When roofers are out in the selling world – as a roofing salesperson, there are several ways they can separate themselves from all the others knocking on the homeowners’ door. (I’ll use the term “salesman” throughout, but it is intended to be for men – AND women).
I’m not going to get into all the nuances of “shingles” and all the other types of roofing materials, and options. We are addressing here the most basic expectations and courtesies you can bring to the table.
Here are several remarkably simple ways to elevate your game:
- When you knock on a door, step back a step or two so they can easily see you.
- Wear an ID badge.
- Have a business card in your hand.
- Introduce yourself and who you are with.
- They should already be expecting you – so confirm the appointment.
- Ask them if your vehicle is OK where you parked it.
- When they invite you in, put on booties.
- Most people don’t enjoy or appreciate the idle – generic conversation.
- Dress the way you expect your customers to dress.
- Know exactly why your company is Different – and tell them.
- Ask permission to go out into their yard or behind fences.
I could go on and on, because there are so many ways to separate yourself from the competition. If you can’t identify your difference (compared to your competitors) then you need to sit down with management and strategize what makes you so unique and special as a roofing contractor. Failure to have good and legitimate Differentiation means your are generic and just like everyone else. How blah!
Providing testimonials and referrals, and showing them the warranty you offer, will certainly help, as long as you are doing those things listed above. Most salespeople don’t realize that price is NOT the most important part of the buying decision. In fact, massive surveys have been done that show 87-91% of your customers consider professionalism, courtesy, reputation (reviews), and differentiation as most important!
Dick Wagner 419-202-6745 [email protected]
Nationally recognized coach, consultant, trainer, and speaker
Creator of the renowned PREP™ pre-disaster program
Co-Founder of the CREST Network, LLC
Co-creator of the Restoration Marketing Specialist™ (RMS®) certification course
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