Water damage clean-up contractors, Fire and Smoke damage companies,
Mold Abatement contractors, as well as Roofers have at their fingertips an
incredibly valuable and useful resource in CREST. As a CREST Member, you
will receive the tools and support to make your business a better commercial
damage player.

The CREST Network is primarily a commercial restoration education and resource network. We provide hundreds of videos, documents and webinars to our
Members, along with all sorts of field support and business coaching.
Looking for help with marketing? CREST provides the industry’s premier marketing expert, Dick Wagner, who has worked with hundreds of clients over the years, enabling them to navigate the difficult commercial client challenges to find real, reliable clients!
Interested in CAT response work? Our CREST Members are always involved with CAT work, either in their own region or in other hard-hit areas. Instead of travelling without any purpose, you can come into loss regions with reliable, signed leads and projects!
Need some business coaching or financial direction and assistance? CREST brings you Bill Giannone, who spent more than 25 years on Wall Street. He has worked with dozens of restoration and other contractors over the past 10 years as well. His unique background and ability to work with small business owners has given CREST Members unequaled success and growth!
Finally, as a CREST Member, you will be part of an exclusive community of independent restorers and businessmen who are striving for excellence and are performing at the top of their fields. Our Members separate themselves from the pack, and so will you!